Tuesday, 24 April 2012

CodeTwo Move & Delete: Get Alert On Moving A Folder In Outlook 2010

If you work with a lot of folders in Microsoft Outlook, it can frequently happen that you unintentionally grab a folder, and drop it onto another folder while scrolling down the navigation pane. CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog is a plugin for Microsoft Outlook that prevents this from happening. If you drag and drop one folder into another, or hit the Delete button, it gives you a warning and allows you to cancel or confirm the action.
To install the plugin, close Microsoft Outlook and simply run the plugin’s setup file. Once installed, whenever you drag and drop a folder onto another, you will receive a notification, asking you to permit moving the folder. Select Yes, move it to move the folder, and No, don’t move it if you accidentally copied the folder.
CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog
Click Settings to access the CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog Settings window. You can choose if you want to be prompted when a folder is moved, deleted, or at both instances.
CodeTwo Move & Delete Watchdog - Settings
The plugin was tested with MS Outlook 2010.


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