Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Control Grooveshark, Pandora & Other Music Playback From Chrome Toolbar

Unity Player is a Chrome extension that allows you to control music for various popular services, such asPandoraGrooveshark , Google Music, SoundCloud and more. With it, you can control music from multiple sites from one handy pop-up. Now you no longer have to be worried about whether you’re playing music in Pandora, Grooveshark or any other service, as you may easily pause, skip, rewind, thumbs up or check out the cover art from the pop-up in your toolbar. Another great feature of the service is that you can quickly focus the current site that is playing your song by clicking the album art cover photo, and if you start playing music from another source, the current one will pause itself as the new one starts.
When you’re working online and don’t want to switch tabs to change a song, click the Unity Player button in the toolbar. From here, you can skip, rewind, pause, and vote up or down for a track. Moreover, when you start playing a track from a different service, the current song automatically stops and the new one starts playing. Click the album art cover in the pop-up to focus the tab/website that is playing the current track. Using Unity Player, you no longer need to switch between tabs and windows to control music playback from multiple services.
If you’re on Mac, you can also use the Media Keys at the top of the keyboard to control music playback. Enable the Use Media Keys option from the extension’s Settings (disable these if you face problems).
Unity Player is a slick extension that comes in handy especially when you don’t want to bother with switching between tabs/windows for controlling playback from various popular music services.


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