Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How To Show Hidden Files & Folders With A Hotkey In Windows 7 & 8

Linux-based OS such as Ubuntu, Fedora etc, allow you to toggle viewing of hidden folders on and off through a simple shortcut key – Ctrl+H. To perform the same function in Windows, i.e., show or hide hidden files, one has to open Folder Options and navigate to View tab to hide/unhide files and folders. Wouldn’t it be better, if you could hide and unhide files and folders via a hotkey combination? ToggleHiddenFolders is a miniscule, AutoHotkey-based application designed specifically for Windows that silently runs in the background and allows you to hide/show hidden files and folders using Win + H shortcut key. Keeping reading to find out more about ToggleHiddenFolders.
The application has no user interface, making it very light on memory. However, you can customize it using the AutoHotkey Script (provided on the source page). After downloading the application, you just have to start it to enable the Win + H hotkey for switching hidden folders on and off.
Local Disk (C)_2012-04-02_17-05-33
The AutoHotkey Script, which is being used at the backend, contains simple commands to hide and un-hide files and folders. if you’re a power user and want to change the default hotkey combination (Win + H), compile the following script with custom shortcut.

RegRead, HiddenFiles_Status, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden 

If HiddenFiles_Status = 2 

RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden, 1 


RegWrite, REG_DWORD, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, Hidden, 2 

WinGetClass, eh_Class,A 

If (eh_Class = "#32770" OR A_OSVersion = "WIN_VISTA") 

send, {F5} 

Else PostMessage, 0x111, 28931,,, A 

More information on the tool can be read on the source page. The application works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of all Windows operating systems.


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