Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Identify Spam Emails And Remove Them With Spam Reader [Outlook Add-In]

Tired of getting plethora of spam messages in your mailbox everyday? Sadly, Outlook intrinsic Spam filtering system is not efficient enough to identify junk mails nor does it offer a convenient way to move spam mails to user-defined special folders. This compels heavy Outlook users to consider third party options to properly identify, filter, and move spam mails to special folder with facilities to manage and delete superfluous mails with a single click.
Spam Reader is an add-in for Outlook, offering multi-level spam filtering solution to detect spam mails. Supporting widely used mail protocols – POP, IMAP, Exchange, HTTP, it can filter junk mails from all types of mailboxes that you’ve configured in Outlook. Spam filtering system is based on Bayesian algorithm which looks for particular phrases, words, links, and other characters which are commonly used by spammers and are present in system auto-generated emails. You can further apply a customized spam filter layer by defining a white and black spam list of sender email addresses.
After the installation, it will add a new tab called Spam Reader on Ribbon. When you launch Outlook, it will automatically start inspecting default inbox folder for spam messages and show notification of total number of spam it found during first scan.
spam 2
Once preliminary scanning process is finished, move to Spam Reader tab and open newly created Spam folder to mark ‘normal emails’ as ‘good emails’ by clicking respective button in Marking messages section. Adjacent to it, Junk E-mail option is present to mark mails present in your inbox as spam. Apart from checking default Inbox folder, it also allows you to check other Outlook mail folders for spam messages.
spam folder 2
The Test Message option will show the reasons why a message got marked as spam. It lists down all the phrases, word, links, and other content contained in selected email which were filtered according to Bayesian filtering technique.
test msg 2
To remove all the spam messages off the Spam folder, click Delete Spam Folder and rescan the mail folders. From Options, you can change the default spam folder location and change other spam mails related options, such as, automatically mark all spam messages as Read and enable or disable desktop notifications. The spam filter options are present in Phrase Filter, where you can change the filtering settings. Next to it, you can create white and black list for specific senders email addresses.
Spam Reader
It works on all versions of Outlook. We tested it successfully on Outlook 2010. Both 32-bit and 64-bit editions are supported.


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