Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Infinite Painter Is Perhaps The Most Comprehensive Drawing Tool For Android Yet

If you’re into serious graphics designing, or are a casual artist with a special fervor for painting, and think that your Android smartphone or tablet can’t present you with a comprehensive drawing platform (other than the usual doodling and scribbling apps made for kids), then Infinite Painter might surprise you. The app’s features truly do justice to its name. These include plenty of realistic and customizable brush styles, support for pressure sensitivity, multiple symmetry modes (X-Axis, Y-Axis, Arbitrary Angle, Radial, and Kaleidoscopic), a canvas that supports multi-touch, option to import images from device’s gallery, camera and/or Google’s Image Search to place them on the canvas, option to work with as many as six different drawing layers, color blending and image correction tools, auto-save progress at frequent intervals, and atop all that, an extremely user-friendly interface.
The best thing about Infinite Painter is that you do not have to look for its many features yourself; the app itself guides you regarding almost each and every tool via a step-by-step tutorial. To begin, tap the color selection tool at the bottom of the screen. Holding this button down and dragging your finger towards the canvas helps you pick a different shade of the selected color. Swiping even further anywhere on the canvas launches the color picker tool so that you can choose a color for an existing shape, object or stroke on the screen. While selecting a color, you are also presented with the options to adjust its opacity, contrast, saturation and texture. The smaller circle displayed alongside the color button can be tapped to toggle between the normal color mode or the color blend mode. Swiping outwards while holding down this particular button lets you adjust the shade of the blending color.
Looking to the bottom-right of the screen, we have another couple of circles. Tapping the larger circle lets you pick your desired brush style whereas the smaller allows you to turn pressure-sensitivity on. By default, tapping the smaller circle helps you swap between high and low sensitivities, however, by holding down this button and dragging your finger towards the canvas area, you can adjust the sensitivity settings as well.
Tapping the menu button on your device displays the app’s main toolbar at the top whereas tapping the back button shows the error correction tool. Various buttons present on the toolbar include the brush tool, layers tool, symmetry tool, image tool, bug report tool, settings tool, and the all-important save project/picture tool.
The correction tool bar, on the other had, houses the eraser tool, knife tool, undo/redo buttons, and new layer button. The layer toolbar contains the options to adjust the current layer opacity level, add a new layer, merge two layers into each other, show/hide a layer, flip/rotate current layer and delete a layer.
The Symmetry manager, which can be launched by pressing the butterfly icon on the main toolbar, lets you select one of the aforementioned symmetry modes. Each tool is supplemented with further customizable options. At this point, you might have begun to realize how comprehensive this app is.
To enter the app’s image mode, tap the photo button on the main toolbar. Doing so will display a circular dial that presents you with several options, including selecting the source of therequired image, flip, rotate and zoom in/out of images, adjust image opacity and so on. The rest depends upon your creativity and skill in touchscreen painting. Although I am no Picasso, I was still able to easily draw some pretty impressive shapes and designs.
Infinite Painter has three different versions available in the Google Play Store. Apart from a free and $5 variant, you’ll also find a third version that is specifically optimized for the Samsung Galaxy Note. This version of the app, by the way, is available for free too. The only catch with the free versions is that they do not allow saving/exporting your artwork as image files, and all you can do is save your projects and open them within the app itself. Download links to all three variants of Infinite Painter are provided below. Check out the app’s official demo video while you wait for it to download.
Download Infinite Painter (Free, Galaxy Note Version)



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