Thursday, 10 May 2012

How To Search And Replace Text In Multiple Files Simultaneously

If you need to search and replace text in a lot of files, opening each file separately, finding the text string that needs to be changed, and then replacing it manually requires a lot of time and effort. Instead of doing the whole exercise manually, wouldn’t it be better if you could quickly search and replace text strings in documents without having to open each file? NodeSoft’s Search And Replace is a portable application for Windows that allows you to search and replace text in multiple documents with a click. Keep reading to find out more about Search And Replace.
The main interface of the application has File, Tools and Profile buttons at the top containing options to change the function modes of the application and create profiles based on your preferences. It is divided into two panes: Step 1 and Step 2. The Step 1, on the left side, has two tabs namely Simple and To..From, containing the two working modes of batch Search And Replace operation. The Step 2 is named Where to replace files, and allows you to specify the files or folders which contain the text that needs to be replaced.
To replace text, enter the old and new text under Search for this text section and Replace found text with this text, respectively. Drag the files over the right sidebar, and then click Search and Replace in Test Mode button available at the bottom-right corner.
Search And Replace
The From..To tab allows you to specify the starting and ending text to replace it with a new text. This is useful if you want to replace multiple sentences in specified documents.
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The Specify Directory tab at the right side lets you change text in all the files included in a parent folder. You can also choose to include subfolders in your search.
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Search And Replace works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.


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