Sunday, 6 May 2012

NickWrite: A Smart Text Editor For WP7 That Learns From Your Typing Habits

Out of the many reasons that have made me a fan of Windows Phone 7, the stock Messaging app has got to be somewhere near the top of the list. I am not talking about just the Facebook integration it offers (although that is quite awesome). Other things such as the great keyboard and non-intrusive spellcheck make it perfect for someone who texts a lot. I never thought any update, or app, can better WP7’s stock text editing, but NickWrite seems to have done just that! The app is a simple text editor on the surface, but its distinction lies in its ability to learn from the way you type! Of course, you can add new words to WP7’s own text editor’s dictionary, but NickWrite does everything automatically. It essentially starts guessing a sentence as soon as you begin typing it in, and at times, you will be able to finish a sentence without having to type anything after the first couple of words! Sound familiar? The app’s predictive abilities have a lot in common with popular Android keyboard replacement SwiftKey X. Read on for details.

NickWrite Templates NickWrite Hints
One thing that is missing in the Messaging hub is templates. You cannot draft anything and keep it saved for repeated usage. NickWrite solves this problem, and not only does it have a few predefined templates, you can manually add as many as you like. Swipe to the next screen of NickWrite, and you will be able to see some useful tips regarding the app’s usage and features. NickWrite is based on several Actions. The actions in the app can be thought of as shortcuts for several time-consuming tasks. For example, you can create a full snippet of text requesting someone’s number by simply selecting the “an” action.

NickWrite Editor NickWrite Actions
To fully understand the convenience offered by NickWrite, you will just have to use its text editor. To do that, hit the Edit button in the bottom bar and start typing when the next screen shows up. Pretty much like the stock Messaging app, NickWrite has a bar for suggested words below the text area, but it is different compared to the stock suggestion mechanism.  

NickWrite suggests the next word in your sentence, rather than the variations of the current one. This means that it predicts sentences for you word by word. The suggestions will improve as you continue using the app. After the text has been compiled, users can export it as SMS, email or simply copy it to clipboard so that it can be pasted anywhere. There is also the option to save a text snippet as a new template. As discussed before, the actions in NickWrite are detailed and extensive, with the possibility of creating as many new ones as you want.

NickWrite is a free app, and if you type a lot on your Mango phone, head to the following web Marketplace link and grab the app.
Download NickWrite


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