Looking for some fun images and pictograms to post on your Facebook, website or blog? Pictotool is a web tool that can create interesting and fun images with pictograms and text that you can easily customize. It’s a free and simple to use image creation tool that lets you combine text and graphics to create unique, attractive images. Once you’ve created an image, you can even change the font, background and pictogram colors. After creating the image, click GENERATE and download the image to your local system before uploading it to your desired website.
First, you have to select an option from the six Models, insert pictograms and add text into the fields. Next, specify the color of each element, change the Font Size and Offset for the image by moving the sliders. Note that these changes will be visible when you generate the image. You will find multiple pictograms on the site and you can enter any text you like. Note that all generated images you create are erased each day from the website
When you click GENERATE, you will be able to see how your image looks. You can then download the image to your computer and upload it on Facebook, your blog or simply print it.
Pictotool is a simple but fun web application to use, and according to the website, more text options and images will be added to it in the future. It allows you to mix and match customized graphics and text that you can use to make your website, blog or Facebook page look more interesting. You can visit the link below to create your very own images and stickers.
Visit Pictotool
First, you have to select an option from the six Models, insert pictograms and add text into the fields. Next, specify the color of each element, change the Font Size and Offset for the image by moving the sliders. Note that these changes will be visible when you generate the image. You will find multiple pictograms on the site and you can enter any text you like. Note that all generated images you create are erased each day from the website
When you click GENERATE, you will be able to see how your image looks. You can then download the image to your computer and upload it on Facebook, your blog or simply print it.
Pictotool is a simple but fun web application to use, and according to the website, more text options and images will be added to it in the future. It allows you to mix and match customized graphics and text that you can use to make your website, blog or Facebook page look more interesting. You can visit the link below to create your very own images and stickers.
Visit Pictotool
Categories: Internet
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