Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Dictate Facebook & Twitter Updates via iPhone Notification Center [Cydia]

No one can doubt the fact that a lot of people bought iPhone 4S just because of Siri, but when you get down to it, Siri is pretty limited in many aspects. For example, it lets you create reminders with incredible ease, but if you want to tweet through Siri, or ask it to update your Facebook status for you, things aren’t all that easy. That’s why the new Notification Center widgets InstaFacebook and InstaTwitter can prove to be useful for both Siri-enabled and other iOS devices. The tweaks let you post Twitter and Facebook updates through the Notification Center of your iPhone, and if you don’t want to type anything, just hit the microphone icon and speak whatever you want to post to your social network! Both the widgets support 38 languages, and come with options to make changes to the dictated text manually as well. Head past the break for details.
InstaFacebook InstaTwitter NC InstaFacebook InstaTwitter Languages InstaFacebook InstaTwitter Dictation
After you have installed InstaFacebook and InstaTwitter to your jailbroken iDevice, they have to be enabled via the Notifications menu in the stock Settings app. Once you have done that, the widgets will appear in your iPhone’s NC. If you want to post an update the normal way, just tap the blank text area in the widget screen and type away. However, the Insta widgets prove their real usefulness when you hit the small mic icon. If you are using the tweaks for the first time, hit the Settings button from the box that pops up when the microphone is tapped. From this menu, it is possible to select the default language for the tweak. Once you have done that, you can begin dictating to InstaTwitter or InstaFacebook. In case the widget hears you wrong, you can simply hit the Edit button and change the text manually. When you are done, hit the Send Now button.
InstaFacebook and InstaTwitter are both free tweaks, and can be downloaded separately from the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store. As mentioned before, don’t forget to enable them from the Settings app.


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