Only a few days back, we covered Audiolip, a service that allows you to record micro-podcasts and share them with your buddies on different social networks. is a similar web application that lets you create short voice messages, which can then emailed or shared on Facebook and Twitter. is basically a free text-to-speech tool that transcodes typed messages and generates a unique URL, which changes with every character that you input. This URL can then be shared with anyone through various platforms. When the recipient visits this link, the voice message is automatically played. does not require any login or sign up; all you have to do is type your message, adjust the Amplitude, Pitch, Speedand Word Gap settings, and share it with others.
The service has a rather bland – perhaps too bland – interface that comes with a text field, play button and sharing options. To start off, simply type a message and set the Amplitude, Pitch, Speed and Word Gap parameters. You will notice that the URL in your browser’s address bar changes as you type. Once you’ve keyed in your text, you may either hit the Twitter or Facebook buttons to share it on the respective networks, or simply copy-paste the link and send it to anyone you like. Since the URL is quite lengthy, you might want to use a URL shortener.
While the service is functional at its core and pretty straight forward, it would have been nice if it supported multiple languages and voices. Overall, it can be a handy tool if you want to share your thoughts or messages in a different way (we say different, because the voice is merely computer-generated, and you won’t be able to give it a personal touch even if you want to).
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