Tuesday, 5 June 2012

3D Cover Box Designer: Create Virtual Packaging Models For Your Products

A proper packaging and cover design is one of the most important aspects of selling your products. Perhaps that is why many marketers put an utmost effort behind product packaging. Nobody likes a dull and boring product packaging anyway, as it raises hundreds of questions in our mind about quality and durability of the commodity in question. You might have noticed those thumbnail virtual cover boxes that are embedded into most software websites. Well, if you have been wondering how to design one of your own, then give 3D Cover Box Designer a try. It is a small application that allows you to create virtual 3D cover boxes for any software product you might be selling, and embed the image on your web page. In fact, you can create a cover box for any product that you want to showcase on the web. The supported output image formats include JPEG, BMP and PNG, and it provides both the 2D and 3D pattern view of the designed boxes. Whilst customizing all the respective sides of the box, you can also change the background color, as well as ambient and directional light according to your preferences.
Customizing a box cover is quite simple. Akin to any physical box, you can insert image file to all its six sides (Front, Rear, Top, Bottom, Left and Right) under 2D Pattern View section to the left. You can also increase or decrease the width, depth and height of the box using their respective buttons. Furthermore,3D Options sections at the bottom lets you change Background, Ambient Light and Directional Light to any custom color. To the right side of the window is 3D Model View of the box itself. You can drag the box up/down or left/right by holding the 3D model image with the cursor, as well as use Camera Distanceslider at the bottom to zoom the image in & out. The program also supports hotkeys for most major functions. When you’re done, click File Save As Image on the menu bar to save the image file.
MC 3D Cover Box Designer
The application is available for free and works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Both 32-bit and 64-bit OS editions are supported.


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