Planning expeditions can be quite tedious, especially the part where you have to decide your equipment and gear that you may need during your travel. Everything you put in your backpack must be organized with meticulous care. Sherpa is a small utility that can help you calculate the weight for every item in your travelling bag, such as laptops, GPS, clothing, food, electronics etc. You can create checklists of all your items and take a printout to ensure everything is in order. You may also embed the checklist in HTML format on any website. More details after the jump.
The application provides a comprehensive way to add your items. It includes predefined categories, ranging from Sleeping and Clothing to Tool and Consumables. To generate a checklist, the first thing you need to do is create a new Configuration list under My Configurations on the bottom left. Afterwards, you will be able to add items to the inventory. Click the add button under My Inventory to add a new item.
As stated earlier, your item can be anything. You can enter an item’s Brand name as well as its type next to Reference field. Next up, you need to enter the weight of the equipment in grams, oz or pounds, whichever suits you. Additionally you can enter its volume, such as length and height etc, and click Saveto add the item to your inventory.
Now drag your items into your newly created checklist into order to add them. The checklist lets you know of an item’s Category, Brand, Caption (reference) and Weight.
To save the check list, click Export this configuration button within the checklist to save the file in HTML, CSV, JPEG or TXT. Alternatively, hit online to export it to the cloud.
There’s also an online marketplace from where you can buy products from people who have already created their checklists.
Click the Settings button at the top right to access the configuration menu. Here, you change a few parameters such as Language, Weight unit, Lengths, Temperatures and Currency.
Sherpa is available for Windows and Linux. Windows variant works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8, and supports both 32-bit and 64-bit OS editions.
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